
Welcome to The Mod Woman. This blog is all about beauty, pop culture, fashion, and creating ways to live a more fulfilled and authentic life.

15 Random Facts About Me

15 Random Facts About Me

Hello all! I hope everyone that celebrates the holiday had a Merry Christmas. I spent the day relaxing and organizing. And eating. Though I don't celebrate Christmas, I always find myself surrounded by food this time of year. You can't escape it!

Now that this site is over a week old (!), I wanted to introduce myself a bit. Of course, I have an "About Me" page but I always feel like they are the virtual equivalent of sitting in a room and being asked to "tell us about yourself". That question always gives me major anxiety and I somehow forget that I'm actually an interesting person. So I have compiled a post with 15 random facts about myself as a fun way of telling you more "about me".

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And there are 15 very random facts about me. What are some random facts about yourself? Let me know in the comments!

Setting Realistic Goals for 2018

Setting Realistic Goals for 2018

My Favorite Makeup Products of 2017

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