
Welcome to The Mod Woman. This blog is all about beauty, pop culture, fashion, and creating ways to live a more fulfilled and authentic life.

7 Things I'm Trying to Be Better At

7 Things I'm Trying to Be Better At


Working out

This spring I turned 40 and while I don’t feel or look my age I am still of an age where having a healthy activity regimen is important not only now but in the long term. 

Eating better

See above. I am not a terrible eater. I don’t eat tons of junk food or fast food, and I eat small portions. I am by nature a grazer, and have to remind myself to eat meals when I would rather just reach for a snack. I am also a sugar addict. And I know all of the research and info behind how bad sugar is for the body. I also want to increase my green leafy vegetable intake and veggie intake overall. 

Not worrying 

Therapy has played a huge role in this for me. I am slowly getting better at and want to continue that progress.

Saving money

Yeah...I am sometimes good with this and more often not. My current circumstances are forcing me to be better with this and that’s a good thing.


This is an umbrella thing that covers everything on this list. I am really good at following a routine for a period of time. And then I sort of fall off or get bored and I find it hard to get back on track. A friend of mine recommended I read Atomic Habits as she has found it to be life-changing. I started reading it in February. And never finished it (see number 7). I have a few chapters left. I want to dive back in and see how I can incorporate some of the exercises into my daily life.


Another umbrella topic. I am a planner in general. I like planning. BUT. When it’s something I don’t want to do I drag my feet. This is normal human behavior and is talked about in Atomic Habits (SEE. I DID read most of it). I know there are ways to get around this habit and avoidance tactic and I’ve even implemented it things like doing certain household things I hate (like washing dishes). So I know that it works.

Finishing Projects

Ahh… yes. If you are a Gemini like myself then you know that this is something Geminis struggle with. Look up traits about Geminis and this will be at the top of the list. The problem is like most Geminis I am interested in a LOT of different things. I love learning new things, and starting new hobbies. But eventually something else will come along that peaks my interest, and I’m off like a dog that’s seen a squirrel. Sometimes this happens out of boredom. But more often than not it happens because I want to do ALL THE THINGS. And I need to get better at picking something to focus on, committing to it and following through with it.

What are some things you are looking to be better at? Let me know in the comments.

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July 2020 Favorites - Skincare, Streaming and Snacks

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